Original title (Japanese)
Yuru-gakuto Café (ゆる学徒カフェ) in Ikebukuro, Tokyo
🔗 https://yurugakuto.studio.site/

#illustration    #wordplay   #exhibition #tokyo #japan
SNS key visual of the exhibition "Wordplay - Voiceless Storytelles", with an illustration of craw making a speech on a pile of books in front of a microphone

Key visual of the exhibition 

Exhibition photo of Wortspiel - Voiceless storytellers
Black and white illustration with a crow speaking into a microphone, standing on a pile of books

"Erzähler II / Storyteller II"
a limited artwork for the exhibition

"Eine Tasse voller Geschichte(n) / A cup full of (hi)stories"
a limited postcard illustration for the exhibition

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